Friday, January 20, 2017

It's finally live on Amazon

Click the image on the right to buy the book
I didn’t think this would ever arrive.

Definitely doing a happy dance here. There’s a visual for you.  Me stiff and achy moving like a 90 year getting her groove on. lol   After almost a year of working on my Coloring Journal it is available on Amazon.  
I persisted through all the pain, stiffness, brain fog, depression and frustration of not being able to work sometimes for a couple of weeks at a time, and it’s finally is available. 

This was a dream of mine for years many, many years.  My 7th grade teacher dropped that dream into my lap one afternoon after school. Publishing a book.  I’ve carried it buried deep in my heart for years, telling no one -  not even my husband. I never really thought it would come to pass. It wasn’t easy, or even fun at times. But once the idea resurfaced I knew the time was right to pursue it. It became something I was going to finish no matter how long it took.  I wanted to give up many times but kept returning to the project.

Working though the process was a journey. I learned a lot about myself. I learned how much that dream meant to me. I thought many years ago it was going to be a history book. I lectured for years on California history in schools. I never thought I’d have a chronic illness which would throw a huge monkey wrench into my life. I found  I had unwavering determination. I have a spirit that wouldn't quit. I found grit I didn’t know existed. In short I have been learning to count it all joy.

What about you? Do you have a dream secretly hidden away?

You can purchase my Coloring Notebook/Journal here:

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